So let's get through what we can as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Think of this as a vignette of a review.
Roxy's was a place I had heard of while I lived in Seattle. I have no idea why I never went there. I missed out.
Roxy's is probably the most "Seattle" of any diner you can find in the Emerald City. It's a mix of free-spirited whimsy and old home traditions. Bright murals decorate the walls and veggie and kosher option pepper the menu as well as meals promising "hunks" of meat.
As evidenced by the sign it sets out to blend East and West Coast diner life together. What other place can list Biscuits and Gravy right below Matzoh Brie?
I got the Pumpkin Pancakes and a Salt Bagel. Sandy, my old housemate and dining companion got the Latkes and an Asiago Bagel. It might have been the other way around but we shared so it doesn't really matter, does it?
The food was delicious. I was surprised at how well I liked the pancakes. It was the special that day so I figured I should go for it. the latke were also good. I like mine a bit grainy and not to smooth. Too smooth makes me think too much about mashed potatos and I usually pass on the mashed potatos.
Food- Good.
Service- Seattle lax. Just lazy enough to annoy but not bad enough to really care.
Price- $6-14
Pie- Cheesecake, of course.
462 N. 36th St.
Seattle Wa
I shit you not, that's the website.